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Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Future
"We invited other artists--people who process the world through making--to create their own postcards in the face of the naked truths of climate change. We asked them to join us in a written and visual chorus to the young people dearest to us and to everyone on Earth, now and in the future. You can see what came out here: intimate and urgent messages written for loved ones and for people we will n... posted on Mar 29 2021, 3,965 reads


The World's Last Nomadic Peoples
"From Jeroen Toirkens comes 'Nomad' -- a fascinating and strikingly beautiful visual anthropology of the Northern Hemispheres last living nomadic peoples, from Greenland to Turkey. A decade in the making, this multi-continent journey unfolds in 150 black-and-white and full-color photos that reveal what feels like an alternate reality of a life often harsh, sometimes poetic, devoid of many of our m... posted on Mar 28 2021, 5,434 reads


Poetry Calls Us To Pause
"It is the simple topic, a commonality that I choose to explore, so when I walk down a street, open a can of soup, view a fading poster on the wall, or imagine what I might write in wet cement, I ask myself what am I noticing and what is my response in the moment." Poet Elizabeth Brule Farrell shares more about her calling, and offers a selection of her wonderful poems here.... posted on Mar 27 2021, 5,235 reads


The Buy Nothing Project Gift Economies
Liesl Clark and her family traveled to Nepal on a "quest to find answers." They returned home with a new perspective on community and a better way of living. Clark saw how the Nepalese cared for each other, insisting on sharing gifts equally within the community and taking responsibility for the aging, fragile, and infirm without regard to family ties. She believed these principles could be applie... posted on Mar 26 2021, 2,446 reads


Waiting for the Thaw
"It's about this time in the long stretch of winter that I begin to ache for spring. By March, I tend become a bit dulled to the beauty of winter. Though my prayer and meditation keep my heart open to seeing the passage of time and seasons with appreciative eyes, mostly I just want the cold days to be over. As the earth begins to thaw, we often want the process to hurry up. I long for bright flowe... posted on Mar 25 2021, 13,092 reads


My Mother Against Apartheid
"In 1955, six White women in Johannesburg said enough is enough when the government enacted a law to disenfranchise 'Coloured' (mixed-race) South Africans, rescinding their right to vote. Along with a wave of other women, my mother, Peggy Levey, joined this group. Their formal name was the Women's Defense of the Constitution League, but everyone called them the Black Sash. She was soon elected ... posted on Mar 24 2021, 4,715 reads


Once I Took a Week Long Walk in the Sahara
"Tracing an ancient route across the Sahara Desert once caravanned by pilgrims on their journey to Mecca, Anna Badkhen contemplates human movement across shifting landscapes, the impermanence of memory, and what remains eternal in the face of erasure."... posted on Mar 23 2021, 3,158 reads


Awakened Awareness
"Awakened awareness practices focus on dis-identifying with the conceptual mind, specifically the false self or ego that we imagine ourselves to be. To call the ego a false self is not to disparage it or even judge it. It is to name it as what it is: a psychological process with which we have become overly accustomed to identifying. The false self has no enduring qualityit is neither thing, noun, ... posted on Mar 22 2021, 7,505 reads


Parker Palmer Muses on the Season
"I will wax romantic about spring and its splendors in a moment, but first there is a hard truth to be told: before spring becomes beautiful, it is plug ugly, nothing but mud and muck. I have walked in the early spring through fields that will suck your boots off, a world so wet and woeful it makes you yearn for the return of ice. But in that muddy mess, the conditions for rebirth are being create... posted on Mar 21 2021, 14,389 reads


How to Be Resilient
One definition of resilience is: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. This past year, many of us have faced adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stresssuch as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. Let this three-minute video be a meditation on resilience, taught by the rivers of the world.... posted on Mar 20 2021, 4,585 reads


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Mother Teresa

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